GarageBand Site Announces Name Change, MacMusic |
Wed 21 Jan 2004, 18:56

Group: Members
Posts: 17
Joined: 23-Sep 03
From: Brooklyn - US
Member No.: 25,262

How many leading GarageBand communities could there be for a product that is five days old?
-------------------- Cartoons for Mac GeeksMew & Zach Mac Music Comic StripPowerBook G4 800MHz Mac OS X 10.3, Emagic Logic Platinum 6, amt8, Yamaha TG500 (x2), Yamaha TX81Z, Roland JD-990, Roland D-550, Korg M1, Oberheim Matrix 6R, Mackie LM3204 line mixer, Sony MDR-7506 Headphones, V-Tech VT-1030 Cheap-O Uni-Directional Mic, Macromedia Flash 6 MX
Wed 21 Jan 2004, 21:25


Group: Active Members
Posts: 92
Joined: 30-Sep 02
From: New York - US
Member No.: 8,113

This link is useful, especially for newbie Digidesign owners: MBox & Garage Band walkthrough --
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