Dave Smith Instruments is Busy!, Music Hardware |
Wed 1 Oct 2003, 00:25

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Funny, I didn't have time this afternoon to make a comment on the EN side of MM, and in my french comment I said a polysynth would certainly be a developement on the evolver…
I was RIGHT:
QUOTE (Dave Smith) The poly is basically 4 Evolvers in a 1U rack. The voices are identical to Evolver, for obvious connection reasons. Lots of jacks on the back - stereo mix outs, individual stereo voice outs, a stereo mix inputs, and stereo ext ins. An Evolver can be used as a controller, and the Evolver out can be put into the mix in, essentially giving you a 5 voice Evolver. There will be a dinky 16x2 LCD, but as usual programming on a 1U rack is pretty silly. Of course, this is one of the reasons for a 16 character program name in Evolver - it fits nicely on the bottom line of the LCD on the poly.
Beyond that, it's fairly straight-forward, since it is just multiple Evolvers. That's why it's been quick so far getting it running - just today I started playing it polyphonically already. The voicing will have to be much different in a polyphonic environment. The sequencers will still be there, separate in each voice, so quad synced sequencing should be fun to play with. Or, one voice sequencing while the other 3 are played from the keyboard. No overall sequencer, tho. Another trick is that the ext in can be routed to any or all of the voices, for possible quad processing. Or, take the individual voice out from one voice and put it in the ext in, and route it to another voice for additional processing.
Anyway, that's the basic overview.
gobble gobble yum yum
And thanks to ski of EX5Tech for publishing it
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