Ardour on Mac !, Music Software |
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Sun 16 Oct 2005, 02:26
Moderator In Chief (MIC)
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I'm battling with it for 2 days in fact… - install Jack Tools, X11 (on the OS X install CD/DVD) - Ardour must be at the first level in the App folder, nowhere else. - check all your plug-ins, remove the demo, Ardour seems to check the plug-ins folder and is very touchy. It'll block the start up until you remove them. Now you have Ardour working but no plug-ins in LADSPA format… it's the place where i'm battling. You must have you developer tools installed, along with the BSD subsystems (from the CD/DVD of OS X), if you're on panther, go to the apple developer site and update gcc to the latest version, the old is bugged it's free and it's easy. to check the gcc version, in the Terminal type: gcc --version If it returns something less than 3.3, update now. Then install Finkit's an easy package installator, you'll need it As Fink in the terminal is not that sexy: install FinkCommanderits GUI app, it'll be way sexier By using fink/fink commander you can install ladspa-cmt which is a collection of plug-ins in LADSPA. You can control the CMT plug-ins are installed by typing in the terminal ladspaplugins you should see something like: CODE /sw/lib/ladspa/ Mono Amplifier (1048/amp_mono) Stereo Amplifier (1049/amp_stereo) /sw/lib/ladspa/ Ambisonic Decoder (B-Format to Cube) (1092/bf2cube) Ambisonic Decoder (B-Format to Quad) (1091/bf2quad) Ambisonic Decoder (B-Format to Stereo) (1090/bf2stereo) Ambisonic Decoder (FMH-Format to Octagon) (1093/fmh2oct) Ambisonic Encoder (B-Format) (1087/encode_bformat) Ambisonic Encoder (FMH-Format) (1088/encode_fmh) Ambisonic Rotation (B-Format, Horizontal) (1094/bf_rotate_z) Ambisonic Rotation (FMH-Format, Horizontal) (1095/fmh_rotate_z) Amplifier (Mono) (1067/amp_mono) Amplifier (Stereo) (1068/amp_stereo) Amplitude Modulator (1070/am) Analogue Voice (1221/analogue) Canyon Delay (1225/canyon_delay) Disintegrator (1846/disintegrator) Dynamic Sledgehammer (1848/sledgehammer) Echo Delay Line (Maximum Delay 0.01s) (1053/delay_0.01s) Echo Delay Line (Maximum Delay 0.1s) (1054/delay_0.1s) Echo Delay Line (Maximum Delay 1s) (1055/delay_1s) Echo Delay Line (Maximum Delay 5s) (1056/delay_5s) Echo Delay Line (Maximum Delay 60s) (1057/delay_60s) Envelope Tracker (Maximum Peak) (1080/track_max_peak) Envelope Tracker (Maximum RMS) (1081/track_max_rms) Envelope Tracker (Peak) (1078/track_peak) Envelope Tracker (RMS) (1079/track_rms) FMH-Format to B-Format (Discards RSTUV Channels) (1089/fmh2bf) Feedback Delay Line (Maximum Delay 0.01s) (1058/fbdelay_0.01s) Feedback Delay Line (Maximum Delay 0.1s) (1059/fbdelay_0.1s) Feedback Delay Line (Maximum Delay 1s) (1060/fbdelay_1s) Feedback Delay Line (Maximum Delay 5s) (1061/fbdelay_5s) Feedback Delay Line (Maximum Delay 60s) (1062/fbdelay_60s) Freeverb (Version 3) (1123/freeverb3) Granular Scatter Processor (1096/grain_scatter) Hard Gate (1845/hard_gate) High Pass Filter (One Pole) (1052/hpf) Identity (Audio) (1098/identity_audio) Identity (Control) (1099/identity_control) Lo Fi (1227/lofi) Logistic Map Control Generator (1849/logistic) Low Pass Filter (One Pole) (1051/lpf) Mixer (Stereo to Mono) (1071/mixer) Noise Source (White) (1069/noise_source_white) Null (Audio Input) (1084/null_ai) Null (Audio Output) (1086/null_ao) Null (Control Input) (1083/null_ci) Null (Control Output) (1085/null_co) Organ (1222/organ) Peak Monitor (1082/peak) Phase Modulated Voice (1226/phasemod) Pink Noise (Interpolated) (1841/pink_interpolated_audio) Pink Noise (full frequency range) (1844/pink_full_frequency) Pink Noise (sample and hold) (1843/pink_sh) Simple Compressor (Peak Envelope Tracking) (1072/compress_peak) Simple Compressor (RMS Envelope Tracking) (1073/compress_rms) Simple Expander (Peak Envelope Tracking) (1074/expand_peak) Simple Expander (RMS Envelope Tracking) (1075/expand_rms) Simple Limiter (Peak Envelope Tracking) (1076/limit_peak) Simple Limiter (RMS Envelope Tracking) (1077/limit_rms) Sine Oscillator (Freq:audio, Amp:audio) (1063/sine_faaa) Sine Oscillator (Freq:audio, Amp:control) (1064/sine_faac) Sine Oscillator (Freq:control, Amp:audio) (1065/sine_fcaa) Sine Oscillator (Freq:control, Amp:control) (1066/sine_fcac) Syn Drum (1223/syndrum) VCF 303 (1224/vcf303) Wave Shaper (Sine-Based) (1097/wshape_sine) /sw/lib/ladspa/ Simple Delay Line (1043/delay_5s) /sw/lib/ladspa/ Simple Low Pass Filter (1041/lpf) Simple High Pass Filter (1042/hpf) /sw/lib/ladspa/ White Noise Source (1050/noise_white) /sw/lib/ladspa/ Sine Oscillator (Freq:audio, Amp:audio) (1044/sine_faaa) Sine Oscillator (Freq:audio, Amp:control) (1045/sine_faac) Sine Oscillator (Freq:control, Amp:audio) (1046/sine_fcaa) Sine Oscillator (Freq:control, Amp:control) (1047/sine_fcac) You will have a few plug-ins less, here the few example plug-ins of the developer package are installed too. There are other plug-ins available, but I'm trying to compile them (it's dirty stuff in the terminal) but I have not managed to progress a lot. If I mange to, I tell you all whether you like it or not. SooperLooper is a sample looper, it's an OS X app now and a LADSPA thingy. no problem to install this one. And if you flee this post screaming, you haven't seen it all (I know, I'm a geek, but i know some who are worse
Sun 16 Oct 2005, 04:52
Moderator In Chief (MIC)
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I've tried all the ladspa plug-ins available to compile. Save the CMT suite which is available thru Fink and so is easy to install only one set can be compiled with no problem: tap-pluginsOnce uncompressed, in the terminal cd <path to directory of tap-plugins> (type cd then drop the foder and enter) make (+enter) make install (+enter) it should go smoothly, if a library is missing, look for it in fink commander. All the others i've tried have either some troubles with the up to date libraries or problems in the source code itself (origin of the problem): swh-plugins (pkg-config and fftw3 libraries are too much for it) vocoder-0.3 (source) Blop (source) vcf-0.0.5 (source) If you have any question… just ask now i go to bed
Sun 16 Oct 2005, 06:53
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QUOTE (Jibreel @ Oct 15 2005, 20:15) 1- i start this "jack pilot" (looks like some kind of online app) 2- then Ardour make sure you press the start button in jackpilot (after setting up prefs for your preferred audio interface and latency) by the way, this jackpilot is an awesome app that will serve you well for other things as well. I use it to send audio between Logic and MaxMSP in realtime (better than rewire because there is no "slave" concept - all software is equal and can get both audio input and output. In rewire, the slave cannot get audio input.) Man - if i start using ardour i might have to check out those LADSPA plugins... but for now i am sticking with logic for serious work.
-Arvid •• Squish the Squid Productions, Modest Machine•• digitally augmented trumpet, TOOB, flugelhorn, cracklebox, percussicube, no-input-mixers and Macbook Pro, 2.4 GHz 15", MacOS 10.5, MOTU Ultralite, Logic Studio 9, MaxMSP 5, JackOSX •• •• Electronic-experimental, jazz, digital instrument design, electronics, unique software and performance.••
Sun 16 Oct 2005, 15:45
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QUOTE (Jibreel @ Oct 16 2005, 08:41) yeah this sounds like a hassle
this Jack app only shows built in audio, i do not see any logic or oehtr apps
and in the prefs i can not select anything, it is greyed out same thing happened here. I uninstalled Jack and re-installed , then I was able to setup my audio devices. this is why I won't use a Linux machine to do anything serious... just like I don't have a car that requires me to remove/ re-configure and install the seat belts every time someone new gets in the passenger seat.
This post has been edited by lancet: Sun 16 Oct 2005, 15:48
Mon 17 Oct 2005, 17:30
Moderator In Chief (MIC)
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From: Paris - FR
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Well, I give up the compile of the SWH plug-in suite… BUT! A develloper of Ardour has been around and told us that binaries of the plug-ins (ready to install compiled forms for your CPU family) will be available shortly. There are people working on it seriously and even them have some troubles… So it'll come, already the CMT are easily installed it helps. About the VST, yes Ardour scans the VST folder, it has a VST wrapper, but has trouble to manage the VST plug-ins showing a window on startup so that's why…
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