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08610 Hamilton
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Joined: 23-Jun 07
Profile Views: 283*
Last Seen: Wed 4 Jul 2007, 18:46
Local Time: Thu 6 Mar 2025, 03:45
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1 Jul 2007
First of all thanks to all responded to my newbie/conversion questions. I switched from working on a PC to a dual 867 Mac. Not out of choice (although I love Macs, but the old, used PC died where I had all of my tracks)

Thanks for your help!!! I realized that the M Audio 2496 Audiophile card was half size but it does fit (I'm an idiot). I'm not so sure as to how to use the cable that comes with the unit (1 I/O for midi and a stereo cable for audio). What I used to do with the PC was use the stereo ins and outs on the card and go into a Mackie 1604 VLZ and mix from there on individual channels combined with the board from my software. Also that MIDI hookup on the breakout cables seems kind of limiting. What I'd like to do is use my MOTU micro express and have all of my MIDI stuff go into it and work from there. Radio Shack here doesn't have anything that will fit properly so I think I'm going to have to bite the bullet and buy that serial to USB cord. Any suggestions?



P.S. I'm so out of the mix with all of this stuff, I can't remember how to properly hook up my audio channels to my patchbay (Tascam PB32P). 8 channels running to my patchbay. The outboard gear I can (hopefully) figure out. Thanks again.
23 Jun 2007
Hi folks,

I have switched from a pc to a mac for recording music. I have a dual 866 G4. I have two issues. How do I get my audio into the mac? Previously, I used a sound card (M Audio Audiophile 24/96) with a pair of stereo RCA ins and outs that went to my mixing board's stereo ins and outs. This sound card won't fit into my mac. For now I just need to get the stereo mix from my mixing board to the computer and be able to get whatever's been recorded back out to my mixer.

On the MIDI end, I used a MOTU interface (Micro Express). The issue here is that the interface uses parallel ports or serial ports to connect to a computer and the mac G4 has USB ports. Is there an adapter or a cable that can make the connection for me. I know these are basic questions, but I appreciate your help.
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