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77027 Houston
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Joined: 27-Jul 06
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Last Seen: Sat 29 Jul 2006, 11:53
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Hi guys. I just recently purchased a new macbook pro 2.0 ghz and I was shocked it's lack of performance with Live.
With just attempting to play a an instrument in "Operator" with the qwerty keyboard, the cpu jumps to +80%
I have no idea why this is. It's unusable. I have a 1.6 ghz windows laptop and Live works fine. The processor maxes out when I am running 7 or 8 midi tracks and streaming several waves from my hard drive, but that's reasonable. The Mac cracking up while playing one midi track is not.
I purchased the Mac hoping that it would show an improvement over the windows machine. Unfortunately, it's unbearably worse.
Any advice would be appreciated.
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