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Musicians / Composers
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Born April 1, 1983
(41 years old)
18020 Bethlehem
United States
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Joined: 04-Sep 04
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Last Seen: Mon 6 Sep 2004, 00:42
Local Time: Wed 5 Mar 2025, 23:15
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I am running a Triton Extreme through MIDI into Pro tool 6.4. I am using a midinam patch list file I found on the internet, but there is a problem. The patch file was created from the program banks on the triton, but when ever I choose a patch name through patch list in pro tools, my triton just goes into the corresponding sound in the general midi (G) bank instead of to intended bank and patch. And changing banks in the patch list window has no effect, its still stays in genreal midi. Actually, the default bank when the triton is turned on is from the combination banks, which arent in the patch list, so when I change patches in combination it stays in the original combination bank and doesnt go to GM. It actually changes to different sounds within that bank, regardless of whether I change to a different bank in the list window. So to get to the program banks I click "Program" on the keyboard. (As opposed to "Combination") So I would expect the bank and program selesction on the list widow to activate the correct sound selection in the triton, but all I get is general midi sounds!! I dont know if this problem is with the triton, sequencer, patch file, or my audio midi setup. What is wrong?
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