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30078 Snellville
United States
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Joined: 17-Jul 04
Profile Views: 324*
Last Seen: Wed 3 Nov 2004, 01:39
Local Time: Thu 6 Mar 2025, 21:16
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I am running DP4 on a 400mghz, 512mb G3. I know i will need more power and more ram at some point. I can upgrade my cpu to 800mghz and stuff all the ram I can get into the thing, but will this be worth the effort? MOTU couldn't tell me too much about this, and I got the impression that altivec is not necessarily essential to performance. If anyone has any knowledge on this subject, I would certainly appreciate the input. I want to avoid spending a fortune, for now. thanks
I am not new to sequencer software, but I am new to DP4. When I run auto configure it sees my mtp av, but it doesn't seem to see my midi devices. What can I do?
I just got Digital Performer 4.12(with no manual) that I am using with mac os x on a 400mghz 512 mb G3. I tried recording some audio and found that the signal is getting through to make the track just fine, but i can not preview or monitor the take simply by arming the track. This is bizarre for me. How do you set the rec levels in DP4? How do you monitor what is being recorded? This doesn't seem to be standard at all, but perhaps my set up is wrong somewhere? How can I just hear an instrument in DP4? Any help is greatly appreciated.
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