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98223 Arlington
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Joined: 22-Feb 04
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Last Seen: Mon 23 Mar 2009, 03:12
Local Time: Sun 9 Mar 2025, 14:15
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10 Oct 2005
There is PC software that will take pitched audio whether it be a voice singing or an instrument performing single notes and convert it to midi which can then be printed out in notation.

Does anyone know when similar software will be available for the Mac? Or if anyone is even working on this?

Thank you in advance for any info you may have. smile.gif
24 Feb 2004
Hi Music Friends,

I知 a real Newbie on here and would really appreciate your help!!

Here痴 a rundown on what I知 doing or trying to do.

I compose all my music in Band-In-A-Box 11 and then save it as a midi file. Then I open the midi file in Digital Performer 3 and only use QuickTime Musical Instruments for playback. While listening to my midi file I then record in my 4 vocals -- one track at a time.

I知 learning Digital Performer 3 running in Mac OS 9 on my G4 1Ghz PowerBook. Since I知 only recording one vocal track at a time (while listening to the midi file), then listening to that track and recording another track, and then listening to the 2 tracks and recording another track etc., etc., I only need one mic and so only needed a very simple USB audio interface that I could plug my mic into since I知 doing all my mixing inside of Digital Performer.

Because of my minimal needs, I recently purchased the Griffin USB iMic Audio Adaptor but am having problems using it with Digital Performer 3.0. I致e had the iMic too long to return it so it looks like I知 stuck with it.

I did read something about downloading an ASIO Driver and an iMic Control 1.3 panel. Does anyone know if this would work with Digital Performer 3? I知 still in OS 9.

If some of you would be willing to impart your wisdom in helping me use the iMic I would really appreciate it! Right now the only way for me to get audio in is to listen to my midi file using my headphones while singing into the little built-in mic holes in the Powerbook. This is a real pain -- not to mention how funny it looks! biggrin.gif

Eagerly looking forward to any help you might offer. . .

Thank you in advance.

Crystal smile.gif

P.S. Please accept my apology for posting this once before under the wrong heading. I just now realized that was a no-no.
23 Feb 2004
Hi Music Friends,

I知 a real Newbie on here and would really appreciate your help!!

Here痴 a rundown on what I知 doing or trying to do.

I compose all my music in Band-In-A-Box 11 and then save it as a midi file. Then I open the midi file in Digital Performer 3 and only use QuickTime Musical Instruments for playback. While listening to my midi file I then record in my 4 vocals -- one track at a time.

I知 learning Digital Performer 3 running in Mac OS 9 on my G4 1Ghz PowerBook. Since I知 only recording one vocal track at a time (while listening to the midi file), then listening to that track and recording another track, and then listening to the 2 tracks and recording another track etc., etc., I only need one mic and so only needed a very simple USB audio interface that I could plug my mic into since I知 doing all my mixing inside of Digital Performer.

Because of my minimal needs, I recently purchased the Griffin USB iMic Audio Adaptor but am having problems using it with Digital Performer 3.0. I致e had the iMic too long to return it so it looks like I知 stuck with it.

I did read something about downloading an ASIO Driver and an iMic Control 1.3 panel. Does anyone know if this would work with Digital Performer 3? I知 still in OS 9.

If some of you would be willing to impart your wisdom in helping me use the iMic I would really appreciate it! Right now the only way for me to get audio in is to listen to my midi file using my headphones while singing into the little built-in mic holes in the Powerbook. This is a real pain -- not to mention how funny it looks! biggrin.gif

Eagerly looking forward to any help you might offer. . .

Thank you in advance.

Crystal smile.gif
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