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Musicians / Composers
On the creative edge
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Born April 2, 1967
(57 years old)
94903 San Rafael
United States
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Joined: 17-Jun 03
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Last Seen: Thu 5 Apr 2007, 23:47
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This may be a redundant question (most of them are), but if you are a person who enjoys giving advice on the matter, your help is much appreciated. Heyo, I have been using an eMac 700 now, for a time, but my software has so out powered my rig, that I am looking into purchasing a G5. But from there, I do not know which of the G5 Towers would be the wisest to purchase. What I would like to do is pile up loads of soft synths in my sequencers, and never fear that my processor is gonna go on a coffee break. I have heard that you can run a large numbers of plug-in’s on even the 1.8 G5, so, with that in mind, would there be a reason I should choose the 2.5 G5 tower instead? The take no chances approach would dictate the 2.5, but would that be over kill? Is there anyone here who has run multiple instances of Reaktor or Tassman, or other mega hungry programs on the 1.8, and felt they would never need any more power than that? And is there a discernible difference in performance between the 1.8, the 2.0, and the 2.5 G5? Thanks for your help. Blessings, Damon
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