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Music Industry / Software Authors
software developer and musician on kn1400 keyboard
Born Dec 21, 1959
(65 years old)
92400 Courbevoie
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Joined: 21-May 11
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mypiano chung is a free open source small high quality midi virtual acoustic piano using bassdll bass.dll and gui_chung . It is written in freebasic and runs as a standalone application . It is recorded on Isabelle's real upright piano with a smartphone , 7 octaves , 2 x 2 mp3 samples per octave , 88 notes polyphony , varying dynamic reverb , chorus , attack and velocity with number of near played notes and sustain , harp0 - harp9 + piano shape selection uses mp3 samples easy to customize revAll reverb only mode for use as remote reverb for a midi piano keyboard. link => https://chungswebsite.blogspot.com/2020/12/...ll-virtual.html
mypiano jukebox is a mypiano chung bass dll bass.dll midi jukebox midifiles folder player with virtual acoustic piano recorded on Isabelle's upright piano with a smartphone . The sounds reverb , chorus , and volume is variable with the number of played notes and the sustain switch, like a real piano . harp0 - harp9 + piano shape selection uses mp3 samples easy to customize it is written in freebasic link => https://chungswebsite.blogspot.com/2021/01/...tual-piano.html
fb_chungVST is an audio multi effects VST loading simplified dlls written in high level language (like freebasic) .you can add a simplified dll plugin in the /plugin/ /plugin2/ /plugin3/ folders it will be automaticaly recognized and loaded. Included 4echo_chungVST example (4 combined echos). To add a dll,j ust define the following dll cdecl functions : plugininit : your init sub startpluginmain : start your gui window edit closepluginmain : called to close the gui window edit mypluginproc : called as sample=mypluginproc(sample) in the audio loop myecho.dll / my3band.dll / my4echo.dll with code source are provided as example (freebasic) . the dlls can be easily written in freebasic or any dll compatible language (c++,VBasic,...),giving you easy access to high level programming facilities (file access,gui windows,graghics) without needing special knowledge of the VST sdk (c++). => http://chungswebsite.blogspot.fr/search/label/fb_chungVST 
midipiano_chungVSTI is a vst instrument plugin version of midipiano_chung standalone virtual acoustic piano synthesizer / expander .I have created a new plug-vsti version of fbsound for it. It is in test on CantabileLite free vst host for now.Works with directsound and asio4all. The vsti plugin is a small loader written in c++ which calls a midipiano_chung.dll main freebasic dll. => http://chungswebsite.blogspot.fr/search/la...piano_chungVSTI
mp3tomid_chung is an mp3 to midi realtime convertor trial i have written in freebasic with fbsound. it converts mp3 files to polyphonic piano midi data sent to the choozen midi out port. instruments must be well tuned you can find it there => http://chungswebsite.blogspot.com/search/l...mp3tomidi_chung (2Mo) works with Bill Evans's piano songs and Pat Methany
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