Battery, better sound quality |
Wed 10 Dec 2003, 23:52

Group: Members
Posts: 4
Joined: 10-Dec 03
From: Brooklyn - US
Member No.: 30,820

compression, compression, compression....(and limiting) That will punch up your anemic tracks. Go here: http://www.pspaudioware.com/and download a copy of the Vintage Warmer - it's a beautiful thing. But beware, it really works your CPU - I'm only able to consistently get 2 instances on my 800mhz power mac...(running ProTools 6.1 - OSX)
Fri 2 Jan 2004, 14:36

Group: Members
Posts: 21
Joined: 02-Jan 04
From: Hilversum - NL
Member No.: 32,237

Use compression right though: don't set attack to fast (try around 25/50ms) or you loose the punchiness. also try cutting your bass in the 80 Hz region (eq wise) that's where the "thump" in the bassdrum is. Boost bit 2.5K/4K region overall on drums to make more snappy... Don't compress snare to much; you'll loose dynamic feel
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