Arturia Storm 2.0? |
Wed 9 Oct 2002, 17:28

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Joined: 12-Sep 02
From: Rupelmonde - BE
Member No.: 7,573

Hi, I bought Storm after I saw it demonstrated in Paris. It's a great tool to make scetches of songs. I haven't had the time to find out more (and I'm a complete newbie in making computermusic) but so far it looks very impressive to me. It's also very nice priced and they have a demoversion you can download.
Fri 25 Apr 2003, 14:59

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From: Portland, ME - US
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y'know, I recieved this as a gift for christmas, and honestly, its pretty basic....not to mention the fact that it is a TOTAL memory hog. otherwise, it does have some nice drum sounds, and the price is certainly nice
Fri 25 Apr 2003, 15:37

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From: Los Angeles - US
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Download the demo and check it out. It's like a mini Reason. Grainy sound quality. Slightly odd interface where you can't change instruments once they're loaded into a rack. Other oddities: you can't really scratch an audio file and record it correctly because the position of the scratch isn't 'maintained at the beginning of a sequence. Less of an electronica studio, more of a programmable boop-beepy rhythm box on steriods but I like that sort of thing. The synthesized drum machine is cool.
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