Beginner In Distress, Can't record into logic... |
Sun 16 Feb 2003, 13:17

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Have just started using logic and so far have been solely using software instruments within logic that came with logic when I bought it (big box). I previously had an korg electribe es-1 and have tried hooking it up into logic to record in drum loops and other samples but I cant get it to work. I think I have the right cable (3/4" phono to 3.5mm phono I think?) and have put it into the right hole in the back of my Mac (i.e. the audio in port?) I have set everything (I think) in the audio hardware and drivers bit I think (set to Mac AV) and then followed the intsrtuction manual i.e. make sure the REC button is flashing etc. but I can't get any response at all....
Am I being really stupid somewhere along the line?
Sun 16 Feb 2003, 13:33

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thanks for the quick reply...
I had already checked this, I have been to the manual and it is definately an 'audio line in'
(I bought a G4 powermac before christmas to give an idea of how new it is)
thanks again....
Wed 19 Feb 2003, 19:24

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Hi Jon,
hopefully someone will have an answer for you soon?!
As you know, I can't suggest anything
See you round Am
Fri 21 Feb 2003, 04:50

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Will apple be able to sell him a cable with 1/8" Apple minijack to a pair of 1/4" TRS jacks, then?
I wasn't aware that it was a non-standard minijack!!
Fri 21 Feb 2003, 11:05

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From: Oxford - UK
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cool, thanks... I will try that
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