Dvd Player / Drivers For Os 9, Needed for G4 PCI Graphics...! |
Fri 26 Oct 2007, 18:32


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Hello ,
I recently bought a new Pioneer DVR-112D DVD player/recorder and built it in my G4 PCI 400Mhz working on OS 9.2. It seems to work perfectly well for reading and writing CD´s which i tried already , it´s also able to read DVD-ROMS but it´s not able to play video from DVD: when i launch the Apple Player , an error message appears: "The hardware could not be found" - although for ex. Toast recognizes the DVD Player as well as the System Profiler does.
I was looking quite long for other software DVD Players or Drivers in the net ,all I found is the classic DVD Player for OS 9 on www.pure-mac.com, but the info says, it´s not to be used on G4 PCI Graphics ...
Apple.com says that Apple DVD Player won´t work on an built in DVD Player only on fabric built ones.
´Can you give me a hint, how to make run a DVD movie on my mac? Do i need DVD software, (for free or not)? Thank you for your time....
Mon 29 Oct 2007, 12:24


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QUOTE (lepetitmartien @ Sat 27 Oct 2007, 01:17)  There was a software tool to make your new DVD burner/player recognized, I just can't remember the name of it… Someone?
Patchburn is OS X only so… Try the xlr8yourmac site it has loads of stuff aboiut drive compatibility etc. http://forums.xlr8yourmac.com/drivedb/search.drivedb.lasso this is their drive compatibility database, they often suggest flashing your drive or something to make it work, I put a pioneer maybe 110D can't remember now into a 466 powermac a few years ago, works great in tiger, does everything that a "native " dvd drive would, but didn't get it to work so great from OS9, howvere I stopped using OS9 for other reasons... If you have the option could move OS, otherwise there is loads of useful info on the site I sent, be careful you follw instructions absolutley though, there were stories of attampting to upgrade firmware and trashing the drive, this is one of the reasons I did not really pursue trying to get the drive to work in OS9. You may need to be in OS9.2.2 to have dvd working properly at all, I seem to remember. Jake.
Mon 29 Oct 2007, 15:37

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The guys at OWC which are one of the very few webshop I trust on technical data have this on their pioneer DVR112D pageQUOTE DVD Player Support:
Mac OS X 10.3 (all versions) - DVD player works perfectly Mac OS X previous to OS X 10.3 - DVD player not supported Mac OS 9 or earlier - DVD player not supported Thanks minskybabs, if there's a solution, it'll be on xlr8, I should have thought of it (I'll be spanked LOL  )
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