Help Me With An Oldie, Please: Logic 4.8 / Os9 |
Tue 20 Mar 2007, 01:57

Moderator In Chief (MIC)

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Hello Which flavour of OS 9 are you running? 9.04, 9.11 or 9.22? For your PCI card, You should reset the PRAM first and the motherboard second (I guess the G4 is AGP not PCI graphics). Note, some settings will have to me done again (time/date, printer, startup disk…) Hope this helps.
Wed 21 Mar 2007, 13:33


Group: Members
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From: Vienna - AT
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Hi ,
thanks for the links .. and for transferring the topic to the OS9 Section...!
Before I do the resetting, just for info: my G4 is a PCI graphics, but I clocked it to 450 Mhz (jumpers). I run MAC OS 9.2 (9.2.1 I´m pretty sure) . Do I still proceed in the same manner? - what changes will bring the reset (Is it "Contents of PRAM") ? Do will I have to reinstall programs or is it just a relocation of RAM ?
I don´t mind to change the time/date, startup disk... but as I share the computer with a collegue, I should know what will "happen" : we bought the computer from a studio a few years ago and the owner had it configured in order to be used with a digital Mackie mixer (Word Clock OUT) , a MOTU 2408 PCI card and Logic , so I don´t want necessary change a lot in this setup except that the Audio Card has changed.
thank you , zaaresh
Tue 27 Mar 2007, 20:27


Group: Members
Posts: 29
Joined: 18-Sep 03
From: Vienna - AT
Member No.: 24,953

Hi again , problem solved... thanks for your help but it was really quite the other way i solved the mystery. i basically had to delete Logic Preferences in "System Preferences", thats why the old driver showed up all the time . besides that : never confound a Logic "alias" with a logic "copy" ... gnnnnnhhhh...!!!! well at least i´ve got them again: VST, ASIO driver and REWIRE --- yiipeee..! greet you zaaresh
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