Samples Tutorial Wanted!!, Noob seeking Help! |
Thu 6 Apr 2006, 17:10


Group: Members
Posts: 28
Joined: 14-Jan 06
From: K-town - CA
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Hey lepetitmartien, I don't need any help with instrumentation, I am skilled at composition and orchestration.... unless I misread what you had there or that's not what you meant. What I need is for someone to help me with how to take a simple midi piece that I've alread written, say for solo cello, and put that into logic. Then to have that piece played by a solo cello sample from my EWQL sample library, rather than midi so I can record it like that. I hope that's more clear. Music is something I'm quite comfortable and familiar with, it's just the technology part that I need help with!  Uvee
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