What Kind Of Midi Keyboard Do I Need?, Newbie needs assistance |
Mon 5 Aug 2002, 01:18

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I have recently learned how to use Finale notation software, and would like to try it out at home. Problem is, I learned on a PC, and none of the hardware issues that were discussed in class pertained to me and my beloved Mac.
Here's what I have: a Power Mac G3 (All-in-one) with 233mhz processor, 32 Mgs of ram and 4 gigs on the hard drive. I will have to upgrade the RAM to at least 64 and the OS to X just to run the Finale stuff.
But according to everything I've read, I will need a MIDI keyboard with sound capability (not just a "controller" keyboard). Is this correct? If so, can anyone steer me in the right direction, make and model-wise?
I have been through this forum and have found some info about this, but none that addresses this particular concern. I would be grateful for any help any of you can give me. Thanks!
Mon 5 Aug 2002, 05:41

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I am runing the latest Finale (2003). My computer is a Mac clone (Power Center Pro 210) and I run 9.1 OS. So you don't need to go to OS X.
However, I've upgraded it several times and now have 512k RAM with a 560 MHz processor. I think it would be beneficial to you if you could upgrade yours to this level.
As far as what kind of keyboard to get? Well, I have an Alesis QS 6.1 Synthesizer. I got it because it fits on top of my desk nicely. It also has quite a variety of sounds. It would be helpful to get a keyboard that at least has all the General MIDI sounds.
I think the most difficult part I had was getting the MIDI setup working correctly. I use the Open MIDI System (OMS).
Mon 5 Aug 2002, 11:22

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To ben entirely honest, the all-in-one isn't really worth the upgrade. You DEFINITELY do not want to run X on a 233MHz processor, and it will eat 64MB of RAM for breakfast. You would need to upgrade your RAM to a minimum of 256 (512+ preferrable) and your hard drive is a bit small, but it's usable. You'll need a MIDI interface for your computer and, yes, a MIDI keyboard capable of sound. However, you could replace the keyboard with a software instrument. Search around the net for a software synth and that may be all you need. You won't even need the MIDI interface for this, you'll just need to download OMS (Open Music System).
Mon 5 Aug 2002, 14:00

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"Here's what I have: a Power Mac G3 (All-in-one) with 233mhz processor, 32 Mgs of ram and 4 gigs on the hard drive. I will have to upgrade the RAM to at least 64 and the OS to X just to run the Finale stuff.
But according to everything I've read, I will need a MIDI keyboard with sound capability (not just a "controller" keyboard). Is this correct? If so, can anyone steer me in the right direction, make and model-wise?"
Finale will work just fine on sys. 9.x. You do not need a synth if you will be happy with Quicktime Musical Instruments and do not need to play on a keyboard. Full instructions are included in Finale "Help". (Just always remember to activate "Use internal speaker". If you want to use a KB controler, the Fatar Studio 37 is inexpensive. But if you do go that route you will also need a MIDI interface. The MIDIMAN is also inexpensive but is a USB device. So if you don't have a USB port you'll need a card that will probably run you another $50. All 100 or so GM sounds (the're really not bad) come free with Quicktime and I believe come packaged with Finale. If not, the're a quick down load from QT.
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