Limitations Of Ableton Live For Recording, Can it be a stand alone software? |
Sat 25 Feb 2006, 00:07
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From: Norman - US
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I am almost ready to lay down hard-earned cash for my studio setup. I like Ableton Live, I have a powerbook g4 1.67mhz, and was told at the local Guitar Center that you can do hard disk recording with Live. How versatile is Live for recording? I was going to get a MOTU Traveler and I'd have my MIDI hookups and I could record and playback with Live, and manipulate the samples in real tim with it as well.. BUT..
I may be missing something here. I probably need a MIDI controller/synth. I probably want to sample and record my acoustic instruments with my microphones, through the Traveler, into Live, and be able to manipulate the sounds with plug-ins, etc. What does Logic, or Digital Performer, have that Live doesn't have, or visa versa? There must be some limitations, I'm not aware of, because Live costs only $499 or less while Logic Pro costs over $800 and DP is higher than Live too.. Is there someone out there that could help me become the creative producer/musician at home that I know I can be? I have played the drums for years, and dabble in the guitar, and my trusty Rhodes electric piano, but I need to take the next step. HELP!!!
Tue 7 Mar 2006, 02:11
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From: Kilo.Oaks - US
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i hate to say it. but i love both platforms.
logic has cleanliness (sound) working from within. And as far as input recording. logic is great.
abletons transparency makes for a faster workflow. and of course the algorithims speed up any process you might have time stretching stuff.
combined, ive been able to flourish ideas from ableton, into songs in logic.
but at the end of the day. im the guy who uses peak pro 5 for some serious audio cleansing. i record into logic. bounce out to peak, clean up and then port to either ableton, or logic, depending on the concept of the workflow.
This post has been edited by MO7S: Tue 7 Mar 2006, 02:16
Tue 7 Mar 2006, 04:49
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Bucko, I think the Apple store guy is just trying to sell you Logic. Either that or he doesn't know anything about Live. I own both & love both. If you don't need Logic's virtual instrument plug-ins I think Live could do what you want. I work more with MIDI & not so much audio until the the final stages of whatever I'm working on, so I find I'm in Logic a bit more than Live. You can record audio from a microphone into both programs (through an interface of course, Traveler is a nice one, I have an 828). If you want to timestrech that audio, it's going to be easier from Live. In Live you will need an audio editor which can be had for really cheap or even free(Audacity & Mozart come to mind). Live has MIDI capability too it's just not anywhere near as deep as Logic's MIDI. Live comes with plenty of useful effects plug-ins too, but Logic has a nearly overwhelming amount. Live is really fun to use loops with, especially in session view. And Live is easier to learn. It only has 2 different views -- session & arrangement (arrangement is a timeline based view, Logic is based around it's arrange page). Session view awesome & Logic doesn't have anything like it. Be sure to check the Ableton Live website & maybe try the demo: luck ! azmills
AZ Mills Dual 2.7 Gig G5, OSX.4.2, Logic Pro 7.1, Ableton Live 4.1.4, N.I. Komplete 2 I love monosynths !
Tue 7 Mar 2006, 05:57
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From: Glendale - US
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Bucko, Something I forgot to add that you should know is that Live is currently a CPU hog on the Mac but the new MacIntels seem to have a bright future. Logic on the other hand is very CPU friendly (unless you're using multiple Space Designers & Sculptures {both wonderful by the way}). This link to a similar question in the Live forum might help you too.
This post has been edited by Arizona Mills: Tue 7 Mar 2006, 06:28
AZ Mills Dual 2.7 Gig G5, OSX.4.2, Logic Pro 7.1, Ableton Live 4.1.4, N.I. Komplete 2 I love monosynths !
Tue 7 Mar 2006, 17:20
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QUOTE (td3k @ Mar 7 2006, 09:34) As a matter of fact I tend to just use the Logic AU's in Live more than using actual Logic. wow, can you tell me how to use Sculpture or ES2 in Live. That's great news. thanks..
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