Audio Interface W/ Logic Pro7, I need advice. |
Mon 17 Jan 2005, 12:15

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From: ACT - AU
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Hey there , I just got my dream set up so i have done a good lot of research on products, Is your computer Desk top or Laptop how much portablity do you want , and how good do you want your converters , budget ask your self this ? Logic Pro 7 is for Macs so I guess thats wat your running, If you have a desktop and you want really good quality, Rock., I got the HDSP9632 RME Card BUt back to your question you want firewire yeah its more flexible and you can travel with it , The new MOTU Travelers worth a test run its expensive, The motu 828mkII is really good to got TEC 2004 award , plus motu's works with macs and is solid we had one at my taf the old one i am sure the new one is good i checked out the mkII the preamps are pretty good , Def do the job Depends on ya buget Another good one is Metric Halo go check them out they have great audio interfaces good preamps on it Hey did you want to have a seperate pre amp or , both in one ? Remember try spend your money well any questions post em hope it helps :_) sorry i type to much lol see ya
Tue 18 Jan 2005, 08:33

Group: Members
Posts: 3
Joined: 09-Nov 03
From: Antony - FR
Member No.: 28,504

The Digidesign 002 Rack works great with it.
Try it in a specialized Store, it's the best way to get an advice.
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