-l.sd2 -r.sd2 To Stereo-interleaved |
Tue 14 Dec 2004, 11:36

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From: TelAviv - IL
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Hello everyone! This is my first post here. My studio mate has a lot of old protools bounces that wasn't bounced as stereo interleaved but 2 seperate mono files. The files are all in sd2 and aiff formats.
Is there an application to combine those to into one file?
Thank you, -Noam
Tue 14 Dec 2004, 17:49

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doesn't sound too tough. Try Audacity: http://audacity.sourceforge.net/peace
-Arvid •• Squish the Squid Productions, Modest Machine•• digitally augmented trumpet, TOOB, flugelhorn, cracklebox, percussicube, no-input-mixers and Macbook Pro, 2.4 GHz 15", MacOS 10.5, MOTU Ultralite, Logic Studio 9, MaxMSP 5, JackOSX •• •• Electronic-experimental, jazz, digital instrument design, electronics, unique software and performance.••
Wed 15 Dec 2004, 19:41


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From: Gradec - AT
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for os9 a good player and converter is soundapp ppc http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macos/4124not shure if it does sd2 but its a very small and stable and free app. hth
Thu 16 Dec 2004, 00:02

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From: Reykjavik - IS
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Aaaahhhh!!! SoundApp A really really good reason to skip all this OS X UNIX G5 nonsense and go back to 8.6. Seriously... I'm off topic, sorry!
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