HELP: vst stops working (not cracked), after stopping playback the vst cuts |
Wed 8 May 2002, 03:07

Group: Members
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Joined: 08-May 02
From: London
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can anybody help me. I run a grey G-3,OS9,4gig hardrive,352mb ram and have recently installed Cubase vst 4.1. When I open up a track containg vst audio recordings and press play all is fine and the audio starts to output. However when I stop or interupt it for the first time after playing the vst seems to shut down. The speaker nolonger out puts any sound (including the click track) and the audio channel mixer shows no signals when play is resumed. The audio pool dose not let me monitor each segment either. The only way I can get it to work is to quit and re-open cubase but as soon as I stop the track it shuts the sound off again. Any ideas anyone?????????
Wed 8 May 2002, 17:18


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Ive encountered two problems that can be responsible for problems like this.(Although not neccesarrily exactly this.)
1) You have a reasonable amount of ram, but how much is allocated to CUBASE? should be a MINIMUM of 128Mb, and frankly i've never been happy using less than 256 JUST for Cubase. momentary exceeding of available ram might cause glithches of this nature??? 2)Check in your options as to wheteher it sends stop and a whole bunch of other midi data when you press stop. This feature can sometimes gum up the works when theres too much data for it to handle. restarting was the only cure for it for me too. Simply uncheck the send stuff on stop box. 3) You say 4.1 , i would recommend also updating it to 4.1r2 as there were a small number of bugs fixed with this revision. It also included more G4 optimisation and improved authorization protocols. It definately seemed to run more reliably and smoothly afteri installed this update. Sorry if the stop issue fix is a little vague but hopefully it'll point you in the right direction, i dont have cubase or a manual at hand right now , but this should be enough for you to find it... best regards max
max woz ere
Wed 8 May 2002, 17:57

Group: Members
Posts: 5
Joined: 08-May 02
From: London
Member No.: 4,565

nice one mate. il give that a goand let you no what happens. How do I update to 4.1r2, if it is a download from steinberg then I may have already done it. You see I lost my authorisation code and hade to download cubase 4.1 WEB update file from the steinberg site. I then used that to authorise my copy. If you or anyone elce comes up with more ideas, post them as i have gone through a few suggestions from opther forums already. Once again cheers..........
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