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> Ahhhhhh!!!! Digital Performer......., what do I do???
post Wed 21 Jul 2004, 05:13
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Group: Members
Posts: 43
Joined: 04-Jan 04
From: Randolph - US
Member No.: 32,376

hey folks, My school made me get digital performer for a class.

So I just installed in and went through the mediocre tutorials on the CD.

now the interface and well everything else is wicked confusing.

so does anyone know any good web resources on where I can learn this piece of software???

thanks alot
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post Thu 22 Jul 2004, 02:05
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Smart school... I've used DP since before the "D" and never looked back. This ain't no Garageband, but that also means it'll do pretty much anything you want it to do. DP, or any other high-end sequencer (Logic, Cubase, you name it) will require hours of extensive use and multiple readings of the manual. MOTU manuals are pretty darn good, so read it cover-to-cover with the program open. Yeah, it'll take a long time, but it's also a very powerful program. The aptly named Getting Started manual will actually get you off to a good start, but if you REALLY wanna know what's under the hood, the manual is the one and only place.

There's apparently also a book by Berklee school of Music that some people like, haven't read it. Search for "Digital Performer" on Amazon and I'm sure you'll find it.

But, like I said, you already paid for the best book on DP, I say use it.

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post Thu 22 Jul 2004, 03:21
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oh, and the Digital Performer Forum at is a great place to get more info and help. But you'll make no friends if you didn't RTFM first...

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post Thu 22 Jul 2004, 05:56
Post #4


Group: Members
Posts: 43
Joined: 04-Jan 04
From: Randolph - US
Member No.: 32,376

Hmmm that's werid I go to Berklee and I haven't heard of any books on DP at all.

although we have trainging sessions in the library but they're all over for this semester.

and yeah I'll just read the manual I guess

and I can use Cubase and protools NP and logic is slightly more logical than DP to me.

oh and for the record garage band blows
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