Dp 4.12 Large Patchlist Window |
Mon 5 Jul 2004, 04:34


Group: Members
Posts: 47
Joined: 19-May 03
From: Lewisberry - US
Member No.: 18,134

'Ello everyone. I just recently made the switch to OSX (10.3.2) and upgraded to DP 4.12. When I try to choose banks from either my JV1010 or Triton Le, the patchlist window is unually large and will cover the other bank names so I can't really click on them unless I'm mad fast like Speedy Gonzales. I do recall having this issue on DP3 many moons ago but I can't remember how to resolve it. Any suggestions? I did search through the forum but nothing really remotely matching my meager problem. Thanks! Clo ps - Ande le! Ande le! Arriba!
Sun 8 Aug 2004, 03:45

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From: Miami - US
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Hi Dimorra: In dp 4.12, when you get this huge patchlist, just move the pointer away from the list, and you can see the other banks behind it. it took me by surprise, also.
Paul Hoyle Music Producer Miami
Fri 17 Sep 2004, 20:52

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From: Dallas - US
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I had the same problem and even if i moved the cursor off everything would dissapear........I downloaded cherry picker..a freeware XML midi Patchlist editor and I made enough bank groups to whenre i a lways had somewhere else to move the cursor when the list would come up
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