Set Up Question Oxygen 8, Cubase doesn't see driver |
Tue 10 Aug 2004, 03:40

Group: Members
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Joined: 03-Aug 04
From: Brooklyn - US
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I recently migrated from Cubase 5.2 vst in OS 9 to Cubase SE in OS 10.2.8 since I dont have any record releases due till Sept I hought it would be a good time to get to know Cubase on OS X and so far I'm doin OK. I've been using an Edirol Um-1x with an old Roland PC 100 for a midi controller. The pc 100 had no pitch bend or midi assignable controls so I got an Oxygen 8. Now my problem is after installed the driver Cubase doesn't see it. M Audio doesn 't have a forum so I thought I'd ask here. Any help setting up my Oxygen 8 in Cubase??
Mon 18 Oct 2004, 19:09

Group: Members
Posts: 21
Joined: 24-Feb 04
From: Poznan - PL
Member No.: 36,766

I'm not sure it will be good advice, but I had such problem Oxygen 8-Reason. Right order was important: first switch on Oxygen 8, then Reason. Not contrary; if otherwise, Reason doesn't see midi device. And then I have to reset up Reason preferences in order to use Oxygen.
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