Digidesign MBox 2 USB, Computer Hardware |
Fri 2 Sep 2005, 19:09

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Can somebody tell me what's the new deal on that? I really don't get it?
Fri 2 Sep 2005, 19:25

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very, very weird. no higher support for 96k and firewire... I've been waiting to see what Digi's next move would be, and I think it's backwards. And what's with that stupid handle looking thing too?
Sat 3 Sep 2005, 07:15

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yeah i don't get that handle at all....
does it serve some other function? like to prop it up on a desk??
Sun 4 Sep 2005, 00:45

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> does it serve some other function? like to prop it up on a desk??
Yes it does do that. And its removable.
Mon 5 Sep 2005, 03:59

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I'm guessing the license for the Focusrite pre amps in the old Mbox was up. They needed to add the MIDI because everyone else has it. The thing I don'tunderstand is why not USB 2.0? 1.1 sucks.
Tue 6 Sep 2005, 02:48

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joke. just a dongle to run PTLE at only 48k, crippled as it won't let you use other interfaces, crippled like the 002 that still won't even let you mix multi-channel, even though the hardware is there! but their drivers suck to use it with anything else? who are they, Microsoft?
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