Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: 29-Sep 02
From: Santa Cruz - US
Member No.: 8,064
MODules are Emagic Logic Audio 6 environment macros which allow you to control practically every parameter of your Propellerheads Reason devices. Both Logic Audio 6+ and Reason 2.0+, which support the Rewire2 protocol, are required.
This is a beta release which includes all the modules in the image above. Everything seems to be in working order on my system, with the exception of the issues listed in the beta documentation.
Disclaimer: I've been a Logic owner for over 3 years, but I've only been using Logic for about five months (what can I say--it sat on my shelf for a long time). This is my first attempt at a for-the-masses environment project. Go easy on me.