Mac Or Pc, Help, is mac better for music? |
Wed 9 Apr 2003, 21:38

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Posts: 2
Joined: 08-Apr 03
From: New York - US
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I know its a biased forum, but is there any advantage to getting a Mac over a PC. I was set to buy the G4 15" powerbook w/ 512MB of RAM for about USD$2600 ot use with cubase sx, but I realized that for the same price I can get a pc with twice as much memory and a processor with double the speed, and I I've herad that cubase runs much better on a pc. But, mac users swear by their computers. Any thoughts.
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jd222 Mac Or Pc Wed 9 Apr 2003, 21:38 lepetitmartien QUOTE (jd222 @ Apr 9 2003, 21:38)I know its a... Thu 10 Apr 2003, 02:53 manexmachina I can't believe I'm going to walk on these... Thu 10 Apr 2003, 05:11 rickenbacker I think manexmachina has put the case for Macs pre... Thu 10 Apr 2003, 12:26 tacoboy I didnt get a mac for it's beauty. I got a mac... Thu 10 Apr 2003, 19:03 jd222 Thanks for all the helpful advice. After trying f... Thu 17 Apr 2003, 15:44 tacoboy If I may extend this topic a little further:
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