Akai Dps 16 Track Recorder Please Say I'm Not Screwed!, Akai DPS 16 hard drive warning |
Tue 19 Jun 2007, 16:00

Group: Members
Posts: 19
Joined: 13-Aug 02
From: Hansen Hills - US
Member No.: 6,836

hey ya'll i got alot of songs on this akai DPS 16 that decided to go lame. when i turn it on i get a warning that says 1141: inquiry / identify command failed. Check the drive. ID: ATA ERROR=81005104
right next to the ID: (here) the ID number never stops. it blurs thru 1 2 3..... ATA and then starts over again. this is barley readable because of the speed in which it scolls thru. of course there is the sad & crying face of a little girl also on that screen also. The DPS has an OS of 1.11 does anyone make/ have software that would repair this disk? Am i forced to loose everything and reformat? (say it ain't so) Is there some kind of reset button i can hold down during start-up or something? If i bought a external drive and updated the OS would there even be a chance the drive would behave? I got alot of stuff i couldn't begin to replace. somebody, anybody, evertbody H E L P!!!
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