Itunes 7.0 Album Art, Importing New found Album Art to ipod in itunes 7.0 |
Fri 15 Sep 2006, 15:12


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Posts: 39
Joined: 25-Apr 06
From: New York - US
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Greetings all, I just upgraded from itunes 6.5 to 7.0, a move I'm always a little skeptical about, it seems that with every new version, we get a few more bells and whistles, but we lose some control. I was really estactic to find out about the automatic Album Artwork update, I also like the new interface for the ipod, but here's my problem I am afraid that in order for me to import the album art on to my ipod I have to sync the two, and consequently lose all of the music that's on my ipod, but not in my itunes library (all the tunes I've pulled off friends itunes libraries) . Is there a way around this? Click and drag did not work, and I selected "show album art on ipod", but nothing happened.
Any thoughts?
Thanks again...I love this forum!!!
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