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> Can They Cope??? Scrap Or Upgrade??, imac / powermac g4 -should i scrap??
post Sat 15 Apr 2006, 15:29
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Group: Members
Posts: 4
Joined: 15-Apr 06
From: London - UK
Member No.: 79,152

Hi, I've got a cople of quetsions. I'm running Reason and nundo or cubase using audio and effects and vst instr, rewired to a reason setup. I have two macs. One is an imac g4 1ghz with 768 ram the other is a powermac g4 733mhz with 768 ram also.

My question is shoud these machine be able to do this kind of work if they have enough memory? etc. Can I upgrade my imace any more and is it worth it. Should I cut my losses and trade it in. Same goes for the powermac. Both are struggling with ths setup right now. Lots of crackles and occasional crashing whereas when i ran the same thing on a decent PC it was fine!!!

Any sggestion and insider knowledge on the limitatins of these machines would be great. I don't want to keep flogging dead horses!!! Will
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