Group: Members
Posts: 47
Joined: 04-Jan 04
Member No.: 32,398
I searched the forum for "tweaking osx" "optimizing tiger" "streamlining Tiger" etc... with no luck.
Surely someone has brought this up, If so, would you mind directing me to the thread?
I'm running Tiger on a G4 PowerBook (400mHz), 1 gig ram (maxed), using Live5 with only a minimal number of native Live FX (mainly eq's). However, I have a lot of tracks going and they're all longer than 3 minutes each
I'm trying to make OS X as lean as possible (already maxed out my cpu useage to 80% in preferences, any way to completely disengage dashboard?) I don't have any other apps or plug-ins running. I plan on transferring all my sound files to an external to use for my live shows. I'm also using a motu 828mkII via firewire for my main outs.
Anything else I can do? and thank you in advance for the info.