Need Greatest Thing Since Canned Beer . . ., Change Long Track length? |
Sat 26 Feb 2005, 17:22

Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: 26-Feb 05
From: Charlotte - US
Member No.: 61,374

I am looking for two features in a simple track editor to enhance the live shows I burn to CD:
1) Allow me to change the output volume of a song that is any given length. GarageBand can do this with Track Volume, but seems to only import the first 6:40 of a song. I often download live performances of tape-friendly bands where songs can run upwards of 20 minutes, but a track might contain 5 minutes of crowd noise at the beginnng (or end) of a song that I want to delete by tapering up/down the output volume.
2) Affect the EQ and compression output settings.
Since these discs are for my own enjoyment I am not looking to spend a lot of $$. Does anyone know of an inexpensive app that can do this? Name and web address of your suggestion would be greatly appreciated!!
Thanks in advance, DBinNC
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