Overwhelmed....help! Pleeeeezzzz., Configuring my DAW..... |
Sat 22 Jan 2005, 03:14
Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: 22-Jan 05
From: Dallas - US
Member No.: 58,937
Hello everyone,
It looks like there's alot of very knowledgable people here....I'm hoping one of you might not be tired of helping a newbie out.
First, I will starty by saying that I do not know much.....but I think if I could just get things talking to each other than I might be able to take note of how things are configured, and what to do and not to do.
Here's my arrangement......
I have a G5 running Logic Pro 7, a MOTU MIDI Express XT, a RME FireFace800, a Mackie Control Universal, and several other MIDI instruments ( Dr.880, MOTIF ES6, etc.).
Here's my routing.....I have all of my MIDI devices plugged into the MOTU, to include the FireFace and MCU. I have both MIDI IN and OUT plugged into the MCU and in the FF800 (just thought I would mention it). Anyways, I have the FF800 plugged into the G5 thru the Firewire 800 port. I have the MOTU plugged into the G5 via USB.
My first issue is I can't get the MCU to respond. I did do a "Control Surface" setup thru LOGIC, and when I have LOGIC opened and I rotate the Shuttle, I can see values change in the transport, but that's it. When I press play the transport in LOGIC reflects running time info but none of that translates to the MCU. What am I missing? Either I am communicating OR not!
It's looking like there's so much to configure and route...... If you had this same configuration.... How would you do it?
I feel so discouraged, it's hard to tell what's working correctly when you don't know exactly how things are suppossed to work.
Any suggestions? Does myt routing seem correct?
Thank you
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