Bias Peak Problem, Mbox conflict? |
Mon 8 Nov 2004, 12:49
Group: Members
Posts: 1
Joined: 08-Oct 04
From: London - UK
Member No.: 52,804
Hi everyone. My very first post. wahey. firstly, thank you everyone who contributes to this site remember the whole Mbox problem a couple of weeks back? sorted mine out via you guys...thanks! sorry i couldn't post any solutions, young amatuer here anyhow, to my question. i just started using bias peak. it runs fine using the built in audio. but once i switch the audio input/output to the Mbox, it crashes. not straight away but after playing a file. when i reload the program with the Mbox still attached, i can't even access the audio configuration page but once i detach it, it starts working fine via the built in audio again. i'm using a G4 powerbook (last year's batch) OS 10.3.6. whatever feedback would be great. cheers in advace lads. justin
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