Which Inteface Would Work Best With Logic Express? |
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mjtrev Which Inteface Would Work Best With Logic Express? Wed 28 Apr 2004, 00:23 rickenbacker Edirol and Tascam do decent and popular USB interf... Wed 28 Apr 2004, 13:48 mjtrev Thanks for that...
I would prefer the firewire in... Wed 28 Apr 2004, 15:01 rickenbacker High-end or low-end USB, the maximum bandwidth rem... Wed 28 Apr 2004, 15:27 xingu I'll throw my $0.02 in and pimp Tascam... Wed 28 Apr 2004, 19:22 mjtrev You guys rule! Thanks for the advice!... Wed 28 Apr 2004, 21:38 aptmunich QUOTE High-end or low-end USB, the maximum bandwid... Sat 1 May 2004, 18:30 editbrain well true for data tranfer. usb is as fast or fas... Sun 2 May 2004, 07:34 jimsimon I have the Griffin Powerwave and it works great wi... Fri 21 May 2004, 21:48
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