Midi -> Out, Playback Recorded Midi Track |
Thu 19 Feb 2004, 07:41
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HELLO EVERYONE, thanks very much for ANY help you can offer me.
I have a tendency to bite off more then I can chew; heres my issue;
Im a very very new user to Pro Tools and MIDI
I understand MIDI is not actually audio but information regarding keystroke, note, etc.
I have successfully recorded a MIDI track in PRO TOOLS LE 6.0 (im using a Korg Triton Keyboard)
I currently have the MIDI out from my DIGI-001 box feeding astraight into my Keyboard's MIDI IN.
When I play back my MIDI track I dont hear anything, my question i guess is, what do I need to do to be able to phsyically hear what I recorded on my kayboard.
Iam very lost at all this it took me forever to even figure out how to get pro tools to "hear" the notes I was playing on my baord to actually record them.
ANY HELP is so GREATLY appreciated.
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