Roland V-Synth version 1.5, Music Hardware |
Wed 25 Feb 2004, 17:51

Still some Major issues to be resolved
1) There is no option create a new! blank project (currently NEW PROJECT only duplicates the existing project)
Most real software would give you the following..
Save (save current file/project)
Save As (save current file/project under a new name)
New (create new blank file/project)
the v-synth does not allow either.
2) When you load a project from flash or micro drive it uses up all available memory leaving no room for further editing by loading all patches and samples directly in to all available RAM instead of only loading patch currently in use.
3) Internal partials cannot be selected from any internal list even though they exist in ROM, your forced to load them all in to the limited ram of the v-synth before you can select them from any list, once again using up all available RAM of the v-synth leaving no further room for editing.
4) when you choose to WRITE PATCH, if this patch has been created using a newly created wav, the v-synth does not save the wav automaticaly so if you switch off after saving patch, when you come to load that patch, it will not work because the wav is missing.
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