Group: Members
Posts: 7
Joined: 21-Dec 05
From: Ben Lomond - US
Member No.: 74,246 is your chance pass on the wisdom so painfully earned to the newbie recording artist who will really listen. Here's the deal: I want to make a big investment in gear to upgrade my pitiful mbox protools setup to a Digi 002 portable mini studio. I have found a couple of bands that like the work I have done and have committed to doing projects with me pending my upgrade. What follows is the tentative list of gear that I plan to buy. I am open to any suggestions and my budget is around $8500 and the bands I plan to work with are hard rock outfits.
Tentative Gear List:
Dual Mac G5: $3600
Recording Rack Gear:
Digi 002 USD. Rack: $1,200 Focusrite OctoPre LE 8-Channel Microphone Preamp $600 Furman Power Conditioner: $50 6 Space Rack Case: $100
Group: Members
Posts: 37
Joined: 30-Aug 03
From: Sydney - AU
Member No.: 23,835
Looks like a comprehensive list of gear.
I would spend more on monitors. If you plan to mix accurately then get good ones. if not, and you only need to hear your signals while recording then the beringer monitors will do.
Also, If you want your band to hear playback through headphones, look at getting a headphone amp or splitter. beringer make 4 channel headphone amp decent enough. take your main stereo out off 002 into it. set your latency to low latency monitoring.
another way to save money is to hire a set of mic's and stand's from and audio outlet. But still buy a few to have as extras.