Bob Moog est malade, MacMusic |
Thu 18 Aug 2005, 15:38
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Pour en revenir à notre ami Bob Moog, il semble que les choses ne s'arrangent pas du tout, si on en juge par le dernier communiqué de sa famille, daté d'hier :
"This is a very sad entry. We called in Hospice yesterday, when I still felt that the main help they could give us was to manage his agitation, but there has been a real change today, and it is clear that he will not be with us for much longer.
Duke reviewed the MRIs and everyone was very nice, but surgery is no more an option than earlier, and chemo is not appropriate for the late stage he is at now. We tried an anti-cancer tea that a loving customer/friend brought from Europe last week, and got what seemed to be a real response for three and a half days. But you have to be able to eat a full meal and then drink the tea, and on Sunday, after talking to me(!) and eating a good breakfast, he stopped being able to eat or drink much at all. On Monday, our nutritional consultant had several suggestions even for this late date, but you have to be able to swallow, and now that's becoming really difficult. I feel that the tumor is outwitting us.
The next few days will be hard. Please keep us all in your thoughts and prayers."
Clouvel - noise since 1971
Posts in this topic
news Bob Moog est malade Sat 16 Jul 2005, 17:23 melenko Il est certain que c'est un grand homme qui aura m... Sat 16 Jul 2005, 17:23 djsempai bien dit melenko
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