Mlan8e And Os X 10.2.4, Motif and Firewire |
Tue 8 Apr 2003, 17:35
Group: Members
Posts: 9
Joined: 04-Apr 03
From: Chino Hills - US
Member No.: 15,566
Does anyone know if the expansion board (mLAN8E) for the Yamaha Motif will work with OS X? I know 10.2.4 supports mLAN but it doesn't look like there are drivers fo the expansion board. Anyone?
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Sun 12 Jun 2005, 13:15
Group: Members
Posts: 1
Joined: 12-Jun 05
From: Dilbeek - BE
Member No.: 66,719
At this time, there is no drive for the mLan8E for Max OS X neither for windows 2000 or XP !
I've bought in june 2003 a synth Yamaha S90 that could be equiped qith this interface but at this time there was no drive ! There was only drive for mac OS 8 or 9 and for Win 95/98 !!! And at this time, when they produced the S90, the interface mLan8E was no more produced !
I'm very hungry again Yamaha and this commercial politics !
Fuck tehm !
If you have find a solution, can you tell me what at ?
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