Digi 002 + Mac Big4 = Plantage ! |
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Sat 9 Nov 2002, 15:05
Group: Members
Posts: 9,465
Joined: 04-Nov 01
From: Paris - FR
Member No.: 2,244
Un p'tit tour sur le site de DIGI->section Support->Compatibility, et tu aurais pu lire ça: Apple G4 (AGP Graphics) Computers Supported: 350 MHz Power Mac G4 Dual 450 MHz Power Mac G4* 400 MHz Power Mac G4 Dual 500 MHz Power Mac G4* 450 MHz Power Mac G4 Dual 533 MHz Power Mac G4* 466 MHz Power Mac G4 Dual 800 MHz Power Mac G4* 500 MHz Power Mac G4 Dual 867 MHz Power Mac G4 533 MHz Power Mac G4 Dual 1 GHz Power Mac G4 *** 667 MHz Power Mac G4 733 MHz Power Mac G4 ** 800 MHz Power Mac G4 867 MHz Power Mac G4 933 MHz Power Mac G4 * Pro Tools currently does not utilize the second processor in Apple Dual Processor CPUs. If problems occur when using Pro Tools on a Dual Processor CPU, Digidesign recommends the following: Download and install ApplePCI - Apple Multiprocessor and G4 PowerBook Expansion Chassis Fix **Both models: early 733 with level 3 cache and Quicksilver 733 without level 3 cache. *** Both models: "QuickSilver" model, without mirrored drive doors and latest "mirrored doors" model. Digidesign is currently testing the new Dual 1.25 GHz Apple Power Mac G4 models with mirrored drive doors and front ventilation. For additional details on the latest G4 models, see Current Apple G4 Qualification Summary Additional Information — Known Incompatibilities * PCI Graphics G4 models are not compatible with Digi 002 systems * See Apple's tech archive on how to differentiate between AGP Graphics and PCI Graphics G4 models at: http://www.info.apple.com/kbnum/n58418* For current Apple computer models and specifications, see www.apple.com * For other Apple computers and specifications, see www.everymac.com and www.applespec.com * SampleCell PCI cards (SampleCell II, SampleCell II Plus) are not compatible with Digi 002 systems. La question est donc: quel Mac possède tu?...
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