Firewire Audio Interface Not Recording Digital Audio, recording digital audio through Firewire [hub] |
Sun 30 Mar 2008, 16:38
Group: Members
Posts: 10
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I have been trying to record the Line Out from an Akai EWI4000 breath controller. The signal is weaker than the headphone Out mini-1'8" . Even with the patches volume at highest level -30- there is barely anything. I am using a Behringer FCA202, they claim the driver for Mac is Core Audio and I can adjust the bit depth and sample rate in the Audio/MIDI set up. The Behringer has a a/d converter and I wonder if the Firewire protocols on my ancient Mini PPC are even seeing the incoming digital audio. I use a USB mic and it works fine. I saw something on the Apple site about possible incompatibility of the old Firewire protocol and a new set called SDK24-anyone else recording digital audio through a Firewire powered hub? The La cie FW HD boots and performs quite well, although i did get an error"-2" a few times. the Midi connection works as I do get a track of Midi data. I have tried it in an aggregate device and by choosing the behringer's digital audio output manually but nada. A better audio/Midi interface would be better but if the PPC G4 1.5ghz can't handle Firewire i might as well forget about FW and try to find a USB interface. Please, any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
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Tue 1 Apr 2008, 03:23

Moderator In Chief (MIC)

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AFAIK, the "older" firewire issues are more a question for G3 and early G4.
Now, what bothers me the most is the firewire hub, have you tried without? If it's just for a try, and a couple of tracks, you can use your system drive, the point is to find out if the hub is the issue.
The "-2" error is a finder, a DAW error? it's been a long time since i've seen it, in the finder it was troubles with the memory under classic. Now if it's the DAW, it's something else.
I wonder if your akai doesn't need a preamp, anyway its certainly not a normal level for line out.
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