Should I Get A Roland Tr For Drum Programming Or?, Programming drums in MIDI |
Wed 25 Oct 2006, 01:17
Group: Members
Posts: 23
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From: Leeds - UK
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I'm relatively new to music production, I'm having s lot of difficulty making beats i'm happy with. There doesn't appear to be a way of creating midi loops from scratch on garage band. I also find trying to make drum loops using samples a bit of a pain as there is the constant 2ing and throwing of each sample trying to line it up. I was looking at idrum (had the demo but it expired before i got proper chance to try it out) as a way of making drum loops, but was also considering a roland tr-626, using this to program beats. I was wondering too if i used the midi out i could also use it too play other software instruments? Any other suggestions on beatmaking would be great.
There is alot to grasp when trying to get to grips with song writing and music composition.
Cheers for your time.
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Mon 30 Oct 2006, 18:21
Group: Members
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From: Leeds - UK
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i tried that and found it a bit finicky, with lots of mouse work, even more of a pain with a track pad.
I have got myself a tr 505 off that not so well known auction site. It may not be what i'm lookin for but i'm lookin forward too tryin it out as i love those old skool sounds.
Mon 4 Dec 2006, 20:38
Group: Members
Posts: 23
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From: Leeds - UK
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the 505 has its pro's and cons. great for me to take out and bout with out too much worry.
It really helped me to get a grasp of programming beats.
so now i can programme beats that i like the sound of in midi alot easier.
the main problem i am havin is I created at track on it and wanted to record it into GB, but i'm really struggling with the the syncing of it. once it is reorded and i try to add othe rlopps they never seem to mesh.
would linking it up via midi help in this aspect. the tempo wanders also, would midi syncin help with this too
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