What About Dp4.6 ? |
Tue 15 Nov 2005, 14:21
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Anyone uses DP 4.6? Any opinions? I use logic pro 7 and i wonder if it worths to switch to DP4.6. I'm also have a motu 828mk2 card so is this a reason to switch to dp?
(1 - 5)
Wed 16 Nov 2005, 10:28
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well, apart from the fact that I can't use some AU such as Korg Legacy etc. (I know it's not logics' fault, i just use an older version of legacy), there's nothing wrong with logic. I'm just askin your opinions about dp.
Wed 22 Feb 2006, 15:42

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From: Oriago Di Mira (VE) - IT
Member No.: 77,240

hi, I use Dp since it was 2,7 ... now my setup is Dp 4.61 and motu 828mkII it works great, I tried logic but there's something unique in DP .. now you have the best pitc control ever made in each track without doing nothing meybe you have to try to use this for a period and then choice...
Thu 23 Feb 2006, 16:20

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I only dived into Logic for a little while back in version 5. I've been using DP for four years now. Logic has a steeper learning curve. But I believe both platforms are great. We chose DP partially because four years ago DP worked beautifully with Reason (still does) We had some issues getting Reason through Logic (I assume this is not a problem anymore.) However the two most importatnt reasons for using DP: are: (i) It works internally at 48bit floating point. Having been trained in anologue equipment I'm used to drive the meters into the red. DP works and feels analogue, I can drive those meters well into the red before I hear any distortion. Maybe Logic does somethign like this now, my aopologies to Logic users for my ignorance. I'm just trying to explain why I personally like DP more. (ii) Our interface is MOTU also. So when asked why everyithing in our studio is MOTU, I answer "because I just want to make one phone call."
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