Logic Express 7 & Edirol Pcr-a30, having problems getting sound out... |
Wed 6 Jul 2005, 15:24

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Hello all. Ive just switched from Cubase SX to Logic Express 7 and I am having problem getting sound out of Logic.
I am running OSX Tiger on a upgraded G4 and a Edirol PCR-A30 controller keyboard.
I have: set audio ins and out in the Apple 'Audio MIDI setup.app' and the Edirol is listed as a MIDI device.
I have: set the core audio interface as the Edirol in Logic.
The sequencer records midi notes. The transport bar says 'No Out' when i play the keyboard so im presuming its a midi setting that needs changing somewhere?
is this something to do with 'environments'? Still cant get my head round them so maybe thats where im going wrong?
Thanks Ben
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Thu 14 Jul 2005, 19:26

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into what kind of object are you recording the MIDI?
Fri 15 Jul 2005, 08:02

Group: Members
Posts: 4
Joined: 06-Jul 05
From: London - UK
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Since my original post I have now got sound from the audio instruments, audio tracks and 1-5 of the midi tracks. On midi tracks 6 onwards, for some reason i cant change the sound.....i am using a quicktime object on these midi tracks. Not so much of a problem i suppose as the audio instruments are far better. Thanks.
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