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Tue 20 Apr 2004, 11:53


Group: Admin
Posts: 3,204
Joined: 29-Oct 00
From: Sommieres - FR
Member No.: 11

Hi rand : Welcome in Paris  In order 2 help U, tell me what kind of studio you R looking for (Music, PostProd, Cinema)? R U an engineer looking for job or for renting studios?
Wed 2 Jun 2004, 17:06

Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: 25-Feb 03
From: Sf - US
Member No.: 13,165

Bonjour Soif et tous, So I'm 'finally' replying to your nice request for details!.. I decided to wait until I had finished updating my web site that tells my story (en française aussi!). Visit my new site here: http://www.technoir.net/randfrançaise ici: http://www.technoir.net/rand/indexF.htmlMainly, I'm looking for new clients for 'my studio' or professional music & post production work at 'others studios' who do music, sound design, web, video or DVD production. Salut, rrrRand
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