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Sun 8 Feb 2004, 01:35


Group: Members
Posts: 41
Joined: 24-Sep 03
From: Killingworth, CT - US
Member No.: 25,334

Propellerhead Reason is the software you're looking for. It has tons of weird sounds along with pianos, organs, drum machines, effects.....everything you'd ever be looking for! It's out of your price range ($350 US), but I couldn't recommend a better piece of software. I bought version 2 on eBay for $200 and Propellerhead gave me a free upgrade.
The Sonic ReFills you mentioned are actually used with Reason, so they wouldn't do you any good by themselves.
Powerbook 15" 1Ghz 768MB :: MOTU 828 :: Logic Platinum 6 :: Propellerhead Reason 2.5 :: Ableton Live 3.0.1 :: Peak 4 :: Midiman Oxygen8 :: M-Audio BX-5 Monitors :: Firewire drive
Mon 9 Feb 2004, 21:35

Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: 06-Jan 04
From: Colorado Springs - US
Member No.: 32,528

Ditto - Reason is exactly what you want, and is more than worth the extra $$ above your budget. I had kind of planned on doing something like you're doing, and had planned to use Logic and a bunch of hardware and software synths. Bought Reason at the last minute on a whiim, a reommendation, and checking out their excellent web site (www.propellerheads.se). I was instantly a fan of this outstanding program, that will let you do all kinds of things - but especially that tribal, spacy stuff. Drums, synths, samplers, effects - it's all there, and integrated very well. I also run it on a G-5 - with that system you will never run out of processor power. Good luck, have fun, and let us know how it goes!
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