Mon 19 Mar 2001, 16:46

Group: Members
Posts: 8
Joined: 01-Aug 01
From: Winterthur
Member No.: 1,379

I got a G4/400 and some great Waves-Plugins on a Logic Platform. Now I need more VST-Power. Is there a possibility besides buying Pro-Tools to use more Waves-Plugins. (TC-Powercore for example doesn't solve the problem because you only can run TC-Plugins)
Sun 15 Apr 2001, 13:02

Group: Members
Posts: 7
Joined: 15-Apr 01
From: London
Member No.: 446

unfortunatly it is all down to cpu overhead so the cheapest option you have is to go and slam a load of ram in.
also don't forget the bounce function in logic it is dead simple to use , so once you have reached maximum plug in's start to bounce and then you can start all over again.
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