Entry-level Synth For Os X?, Pricing, availability |
Mon 25 Aug 2003, 19:23
Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: 25-Aug 03
From: Delancey - US
Member No.: 23,577
I'm looking to learn to loop, synthesize, and the like on my 700Mhz eMac running OS X for no more than $300 or so... is this possible? What software would you recommend? Thank you very much.
This post has been edited by Bigless: Mon 25 Aug 2003, 19:40
Mon 8 Sep 2003, 11:28
Group: Members
Posts: 23
Joined: 16-Apr 03
From: Phila - US
Member No.: 16,252
I suggest DSP Quattro - an amazing and cheap sample editing program w/ looping and VST plug in support for FX. Then, there's Crystal another amazing VST synth that happens to be free. If you don't have a ssequencer, try Numerology or Metro. That should get you in under the $300. price range. Crystal - http://www.greenoak.com/crystal/DSP Quattro - http://www.i3net.it/Products/dspQuattro/As...asp?Language=ENAny and everything else you can find here at the "Soft" tab or at www.osxaudio.com peace
Skeeep eMail me for info on bangin' drum sounds & samples
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