Paris Based Audio Jobs? |
Mon 19 Apr 2004, 11:53

Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: 25-Feb 03
From: Sf - US
Member No.: 13,165

Hi & Bonjour, I'm a audio pro from SF/LA California living in Paris now... I'm very interested to know who are the best pro & independent audio studios in town that might have paying work... My biggest problem is my limited knowledge of the French language... oops, but I'm working on improving it. Any info is MUCH appreciated! salut rRand randw@noos.fr
Tue 20 Apr 2004, 11:53


Group: Admin
Posts: 3,204
Joined: 29-Oct 00
From: Sommieres - FR
Member No.: 11

Hi rand : Welcome in Paris  In order 2 help U, tell me what kind of studio you R looking for (Music, PostProd, Cinema)? R U an engineer looking for job or for renting studios?
Wed 2 Jun 2004, 17:06

Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: 25-Feb 03
From: Sf - US
Member No.: 13,165

Bonjour Soif et tous, So I'm 'finally' replying to your nice request for details!.. I decided to wait until I had finished updating my web site that tells my story (en française aussi!). Visit my new site here: http://www.technoir.net/randfrançaise ici: http://www.technoir.net/rand/indexF.htmlMainly, I'm looking for new clients for 'my studio' or professional music & post production work at 'others studios' who do music, sound design, web, video or DVD production. Salut, rrrRand
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